Tag Archives: scientologi-kyrkan


Den 21 januari 2012 invigdes Scientologi-kyrkan i Hamburg och öppnade sina dörrar för staden. 1500 Scientologer, inbjudna och dignitärer deltog i invigningsceremonin. Ceremonin utgjorde höjdpunkten på den fullständiga förvandlingen av den sju våningar höga byggnaden till en idealisk Scientologi-kyrka (Ideal org) för att bättre möta behoven från Hamburgs växande Scientologiförsamling och från samhället i stort.


                                                              Den 21 januari 2012 invigdes Scientologi-kyrkan i Hamburg, deras helt omdanade hem på Domstrasse 9 i Altstadt, centret för Hamurgs historiska distrikt.
Den 21 januari 2012 invigdes Scientologi-kyrkan i Hamburg, deras helt omdanade hem på Domstrasse 9 i Altstadt, centret för Hamurgs historiska distrikt.


I sitt minnesvärda tal berättade den verkställande direktören vid Scientologi-kyrkan i Hamburg: ”Det finns ungefär 300 kyrkor, moskéer och tempel i Hamburg Scientologi-kyrkan har varit en stark röst i denna religiösa sfär under mer än fyrtio år. Öppnandet av denna nya kyrka utgör en vändpunkt, för flamman för religiös frihet som brinner starkare idag å allas vägnar och kommer att göra så i all framtid.”

I sitt hedrande av invigningen uttryckte David Miscavige, Styrelseordförande för The Religous Technology Center och ecklesiastistisk ledare för Scientologi religionen: ”Denna Ideala Org utmärker en ny era för Scientologin i Tyskland eftersom denna kyrka, på ett mycket verkligt sätt, är själva Scientologin Den har gjorts för att spegla Organisationsplanen för Scientologi-kyrkan, och innehåller alla funktioner som angetts i grundarens instruktioner (policy) Den planerades minitiöst för att kunna leverera alla tjänster i exakt överenstämmelse med vår grundares teknologi-från varje introduktiontjänst till toppen av vår Bron. Och den utformades för att svara helt mot Scientologi-andan och innehåller således en introduktion där vem som helst och  var och en själv kan upptäcka vem vi är och vad vi gör. Så tillåt mig att uttrycker ett välkomnande till alla. Från idag och framöver är våra dörrar öppna och vår hjälp är er.”

Som en representation av vårt löfte – att arbeta tillsammans i en gemensam ansträngning för att hjälpa alla och envar – fans några av Hamburgs fämsta civila och religiösa ledare bland de närvarande vid invigningen av den nya kyrkan. Bland dem fanns en engagerad förespråkare för Mänskliga Rättigheter, grundaren för en ledande organisation för unga drogmisbrukare och förebyggande aktiviteter, en ledare för religiösa rättigheter från den Grekisk Ortodoxa församlingen, och en rådgivare för det Tyska Minnes och Dokumentations centret av Nationalsocialism.


En framstående tillgång för den nya Ideala Orgen i Hamburg är ett överskådligt Informationscenter för allmännheten, där alla besökare kan få svar på den avgörande frågan, ”Vad är Scientologi?” Scientologi-kyrkan i Hamburg har ett informationscenter som presenterar Scientologi-religionens trosuppfattningar och utövningar, och även dess grundare L. Ron Hubbards liv, samt arvet efter honom. Dessa program inkluderar ett världsomspännande initiativ för mänskliga rättigheter; en lika långtnående antidrog-informationskampanj som inkluderar drogförebyggande verksamhet; globala nätverk av centrer för läskunnighet och inlärning, samt Scientologins verksamhet med frivilligpastorer, vilka nu utgör den största oberoende katastrofhjälpsstyrkan på jorden. Informationsskärmarna erbjuder omkring 500 informations- och dokumentärfilmer genom en knapptryckning. Informationecentret är öppet från morgon till kväll och välkomnar besökare att titta runt på sin lediga tid och återkomma så ofta de vill. Informationscenteret och det intilliggande cafét är rustat för att kunna ta emot hundratals besökare åt gången vid de Öppna Husen varje vecka.

Kyrkan är också planerad för att vara en samlingsplats för hela församlingen. Kapellet, hemmet för alla Scientologisamlingar och ceremonier kan också anpassas för att vara en lokal för evenemang och andra samlingar för att koordinera humanitära aktiviteter till förmån för Hamburg och alla dess invånare. Lokalen är fullt utrustad med profesionell AV-utrustning för speciella filmvisningar och seminarier. Kapellet har dessutom utrustning för att användas för mottagningar och banketter.

Den nya Ideala Orgen i Hamburg innefattar även omfattande utrustningar för att erbjuda Introduktionstjänster för dem som är nya i religionen, och för regelbundet schemalagda seminarier för Dianetik och Scientologi, Personlig Effektivitet seminarier och en mängd Livsförbättringskurser.


Scientologi- kyrkan i Hamburg är den senaste av Scientologins dussintal ideala kyrkoorganisationer (”ideala orger”) som öppnats de gångna fem åren.

Ideala orger förverkligar grundaren L. Ron Hubbards vision för religionen. Ideala orger erbjuder inte bara idealiska faciliteter för att ge service till scientologer för deras andliga förbättring, utan är även utformade för att fungera som ett hem för hela samhället och en mötesplats för gemensamma ansträngningar att hjälpa alla medborgare oavsett trosinriktning.

Scientologi- kyrkan Scientologi-kyrkan i Hamburg är den första ideala kyrkan som öppnats under 2012 – den ansluter sig till den rad av ideala kyrkor som redan har öppnats i kulturella epicentrer runt om i Europa, vilka inkluderar Berlin i Tyskland; Moskva i Ryssland; Bryssel i Belgien; London i England; Madrid i Spanien och Rom i Italien.

Andra nya Scientologi-kyrkor som har öppnats de senaste åren är bland annat Washington, DC; New York,New York; Los Angeles, Kalifornien; Pasadena, Kalifornien; Inglewood, Kalifornien; Seattle, Washington; Tampa, Florida; Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, samt Quebec City, Kanada, Mexico City, Mexiko, Melbourne, Australien, Malmö, Sverige St.Paul, Minnesota; Québec City, Canada; Mexico City, Mexico och Melbourne, Australien.

Mer än 15 nya Ideala kyrkor är planerade att öppnas under 2012.


Scientologi-religionen grundades av L. Ron Hubbard. Den första Scientologi-kyrkan bildades i Los Angeles 1954, och religionen har expanderat till mer än 10 000 kyrkor, missioner och samhöriga grupper, med miljontals medlemmar i 167 länder.


KMR rapporterar: 2012-01-14 21:40


Nyligen blev det stora rubriker när polisen spräckte en liga med 50 kilo amfetamin i Sverige. Nå, det är inget mot vad Apoteket säljer. De säljer långt över ett halvt ton amfetamin uppdelat på 23 miljoner dygnsdoser till 50 000 svenska barn och vuxna för 390 miljoner kronor. Och myndigheter LJUGER medvetet för att skydda försäljningen.

SBU har äntligen fått krypa till kors och erkänna att det inte finns någon vetenskap bakom diagnostiseringen av ADHD. Det har KMR sagt i 25 år.

Samtidigt försöker de släta över den enorma fadäsen med den ”evidensbaserade psykiatrin” genom att påstå att det inte finns några långtidsstudier vad det gäller verkningarna av det narkotikaklassificerade och beroendeframkallande amfetaminet.

Detta är inte ens ett misstag, det är en ren och medveten LÖGN. KMR har presenterat två av de långtidsstudier som gjorts, dessutom skickat dem till SBU och krävt ett svar.

Bägge studierna är en katastrof för amfetaminpropagandisterna.

Samtidigt kan man undra varför det inte finns fler långtidsstudier, och framförallt varför ledande psykiatriker och myndigheter säger att det inte finns någon alls. Amfetaminbehandling av barn har pågått i över 50 år internationellt sett. I inget annat område inom medicinen finns det så få långtidsstudier av medicinering som pågått så länge – och de två nämnda är gjorda först de senaste åren.

Man vet naturligtvis vad resultatet skulle bli, är det enkla svaret.

Den största, den så kallade MTA-studien, som pågått i många år lät mycket positiv och lovande i sin första delrapport år 1999. Resultatet spred sig över hela världen. Och det är den psykiatrikerna lever på och refererar till. Det är den som orsakade att det idag finns över 50 000 svenska barn och vuxna som får amfetamin; att det portioneras ut 700 kilo amfetamin till dessa, till en kostnad av 390 miljoner kronor (år 2011).

Den andra delrapporten i MTA-studien visade dock att amfetamin efter 36 månader inte gav någon positiv effekt alls (inte ens i psykiatrikernas ögon).

Den tredje uppföljningen (efter 8 år) var en ren katastrof. I den skriver man att ”det inte gick bättre för de barn som fortfarande tog medicin efter 6 och 8 år än det gick för deras icke-medicinerade kamrater, trots en 41-procentig ökning i den genomsnittliga totala dygnsdosen, vilket inte ger stöd åt att fortsatt medicinbehandling är hälsosam”. (Läs gärna om det.)

En av de i studien deltagande forskarna, William Pelham, sade redan i ett BBC- program i slutet av 2007:
”Jag tror vi överdrev den positiva effekten av medicinen i den första studien [delrapporten].”

Han sade också:
”Vi hade trott att de barn som fick medicin en längre tid skulle ha bättre resultat. Så var det inte. Det finns inget som indikerar att medicin är bättre än inget alls i ett längre perspektiv.” [BBC, Panorama, What next for Craig, 12 november 2007.]

När den sista uppföljningen av studien publicerats, hade Pelham följande att säga om sina kollegor:
”Den hållning som gruppen tog i sin första artikel var så bestämd att folk tycker det är pinsamt att säga att de hade fel och att vi vilseledde hela fältet.”

Men detta är SBU:s psykiatriker helt tysta med. Man går till och med så långt att man påstår det inte finns någon långtidsstudie.

MTA-studien skulle en gång för alla visa att amfetaminbehandling var säkert och gav resultat. I stället motbevisade man detta. Intressant att notera var att de som utförde studien var bland de främsta propagandisterna för behandling med amfetamin, vissa var till och med upphovsmän till begreppet ADHD – och de hade alla intima kontakter/relationer med läkemedelsindustrin. Listan över deras kopplingar utgör över en halv A4-sida.

En av ADHD-diagnosens upphovsmän, även kallad ”Gudfadern inom barnpsykiatrin”, Joseph Biederman, skrev i en artikel tillsammans med Christoffer Gillberg om den psykofarmaka som används vid ”ADHD-behandling” att den ”visat sig vara mycket effektiv för långtidskontrollen av kärnsymtom [vid ADHD]” – vilket den alltså inte alls visat sig vara i MTA-studiens långtidsuppföljning. Men då var det tyst – och Gillberg strimlade sin studie. Och Biederman avslöjades med byxorna nere av New York Times [1] för att ha utlovat läkemedelsbolag resultat innan han ens utfört studier.

Det är ett enormt fusk och förfalskning inom ADHD-industrin. Det handlar om ren försäljning av amfetamin; en försäljning som ger enorma intäkter. Man ”justerar” studier allteftersom och döljer de negativa.

I Sverige säljs det alltså 700 kilo amfetamin, för 390 miljoner kronor (2011). Räknar man med alla ADHD-droger (även Strattera) så var försäljningen förra året 475 miljoner – nästan en halv miljard. Detta är BIG, BIG BUSINESS! Men media berättar inte alls om de enorma vinsterna i ADHD-industrin – nästan uteslutande finansierat av skattebetalarna.

Den andra och den längsta långtidsundersökningen av ADHD-droger beordrades av hälsoministeriet i West Australia. Mängden allvarliga biverkningar och brist på resultat fick dem att agera. Studien visar att ADHD-droger inte har någon positiv långtidseffekt vare sig på beteende eller skolresultat. Tvärtom, det är tio gånger så stor risk att skolresultaten försämras för de barn som får piller. Dessutom ökar risken för hjärtsjukdomar.[2]

Man har följt patienter som diagnostiserats med ADHD upp till 14 års ålder. Den är unik i det att man har data på alla patienterna från födseln.

Professor Lou Landau som var en av författarna till rapporten intervjuades i ABC News. Han fann att de centralstimulerande drogerna ökade blodtrycket och hade noll resultat på skolprestationer och beteende. (Nyligen gav de europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheterna ut en allvarlig varning för att Strattera ökade blodtrycket och hjärtslagen [3])

”De [ADHD-drogerna] förbättrar inte resultaten för dem med ADHD, de inverkar inte på depressionsgrader, social funktion, och självbild, och för dem som tar mediciner är det tio gånger mer troligt att deras skolresultat försämras under genomsnittet.”

Han sammanfattade det med att ADHD-mediciner inte har någon långvarig positiv effekt – alls.

[1] http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/20/us/20psych.html?ref=us
[2] http://www.kmr.nu/pressrel_2010_02_23-statlig-studie-adhd-droger-positiv-langtidseffekt-beteende-skolresultat.htm
[3] http://www.mhra.gov.uk/Safetyinformation/DrugSafetyUpdate/CON140666

Kommittén för Mänskliga Rättigheter grundades 1969 i USA av Scientologi-kyrkan och psykiatrprofessor Thomas Szasz, världens mest kända psykiatrikritiker, och 1972 i Sverige av, för att undersöka och avslöja övergrepp mot de mänskliga rättigheterna inom mentalhälsovården och för att rensa upp inom den psykiatriska vården.
För mer information gå till KMR:s hemsida: www.kmr.nu



Det slutliga inre byggnadsarbetet i Flags mecka började omedelbart efter fullbordandet av restaureringen av Fort Harrison i mars 2009. När det är färdigt kommer dörrarna att öppnas till 37 000 kvadratmeter som helt är ämnade för hela Bron med Scientologins religiösa tjänster – varav 22 separata kurslokaler med plats för 1 800 församlingsmedlemmar åt gången, och mer än 300 rum för kyrkans vägledningsservice som kommer att betjäna ytterligare 1 200 medlemmar varje dag. De översta våningarna i den nya byggnaden är reserverade för ”Super Power”, en serie Scientologi-vägledningstjänster som inte erbjuds någon annanstans.



Den helt digitala bryggan på Freewinds med dess avancerade Kelvin Hughes-radar och panoramafönster som möjliggör att se 360 grader.Freewinds inledde sin tjänst som religiös fristad för Scientologi-kyrkan i 1988. Det 140 meter långa motorfartyget erbjöd en störningsfri miljö där församlingsmedlemmar kunde studera och uppleva de högsta nivåerna av andlig vägledning som finns inom religionen Scientologi .

Efter fartygets första 20 år i tjänst genomgick hon en fullständig renovering och restaurering.

Renoveringen var den mest omfattande i hennes historia. Det var långt mer än en kosmetisk förbättring – fartyget skalades av från för till akter, från nedanför vattenlinjen och ända upp till hennes skorstenar – alla sex däcken. Resultatet var ett fullständigt omdesignat, teknologiskt avancerat fartyg – den ideala religiösa fristaden för leverans av religiös service.

I juni 2008 träffade David Miscavige den nuvarande och den tidigare premiärministern för Nederländska Antillerna i Freewinds hemmahamn Curaçao för att döpa Freewinds på nytt på hennes 20-årsdag och fira hennes jungfruresa som ett fullständigt renoverat fartyg.




Danish photographer Thorsten Overgaard has made an art form of doing exactly what he wants, wherever in the world he wants to do it.

Imagine traveling the world, photographing celebrities, royalty, and rock stars, for magazines, Getty Images and Associated Press. That’s “work” for Danish photographer Thorsten Overgaard who has made an art form out of doing exactly what he wants to do.

While traveling, he holds seminars for amateur photographers anywhere his services are requested.

“Those attending have decided photography is important in their lives,” says Overgaard. “Like most people who contend with the problems of the workaday world, the opportunity and ability to create aesthetic effects through photography is a precious oasis of freedom.”

Overgaard came to this profession as unconventionally as he carries it out.

Although he explored and enjoyed writing and photography while still in school, his chosen field was advertising. Seeing the potential of the Worldwide Web when it was still in its infancy, he conceived and built a highly successful Internet marketing company and sold it for a handsome profit in 2000, on the condition that he not compete in that industry for five years.

Overgaard found himself at age 33 possessed of the freedom to do exactly what he wanted to do. Hence, photography.

“I didn’t look at it as a way to make a living,” he says. “I just felt I had a mission or message to deliver. I didn’t have the slightest idea how, so I had to figure it out.”

He followed his philosophy—believe in yourself and do things the way you think it’s right—and to his surprise, his photographs attracted attention and popularity.

“I was about the last person to realize I had some special talent. But one day in 2005 I thought, ‘Well, why not? I can be a photographer.’ And from that day on, I was,” he says.

2005 held another significance for Overgaard—the 9.1 earthquake off the coast of Indonesia that triggered a series of devastating tsunamis on December 26, 2004, propelled him to Sri Lanka and India a few days later as part of the Scientology Disaster Response Team, a journey he documented in his book, After the Tsunami:

“My two biggest regrets in this life were (and are) that I didn’t drive to Berlin the night the Berlin Wall fell and that I didn’t go to New York after September 11,” he says. “In both cases I had a strong urge to go, but something in me said, ‘be sensible.’ We all carry an urge in us to reach out and do something as well as a voice urging us to be sensible and behave as if everything wrong is somebody else’s problem. In the instance of the tsunami in Southeast Asia, my urge to reach out and help conquered all my fears.”

Overgaard was one of the 496 Scientologists from around the world who joined the Scientology Disaster Response Team in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India and Thailand.

In his book, he describes an example of the kind of help these volunteers brought to hundreds of thousands of survivors, by providing and training others to deliver assists—techniques developed by L. Ron Hubbard that address the emotional and spiritual factors in trauma, illness and injuries. In this case, a volunteer provided an assist to a Sri Lankan man who had lost everything—most of his family, his home, the boat that had been his livelihood. At first, the man, who was bearing the events stoically, began to quietly cry. Gradually his mood lightened. He became calm and he finally smiled as he realized what he lost was part of yesterday and he now felt the strength and will to carry on.

Overgaard first looked into Scientology in 1987 after hearing that the basic concepts in L. Ron Hubbard’s administrative technology applied not only to Scientology Churches but also to any group or organization.

“L. Ron Hubbard’s discoveries were rocket science compared with what I had seen in business school,” he says.

He was curious about what else Hubbard had to offer. Reading Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health answered that question, and Overgaard has continued learning and using Scientology ever since.

“A large part of being an artist is holding onto your own vision and making it a reality despite what others think,” says Overgaard. “Scientology helps you become more yourself. Events can ruin things—I have experienced that—but they can never ruin my life, because I am a spiritual being with a fundamental understanding of myself and others.”

To learn more about Scientology and the arts, watch “Meet a Scientologist” videos atwww.Scientology.org.


The popular Meet a Scientologist profiles on the Church of Scientology International Video Channel at Scientology.org now total more than 200 broadcast-quality documentary videos featuring Scientologists from diverse locations and walks of life. The personal stories are told by Scientologists who are educators, teenagers, skydivers, a golf instructor, a hip-hop dancer, IT manager, stunt pilot, mothers, fathers, dentists, photographers, actors, musicians, fashion designers, engineers, students, business owners and more.

A digital pioneer and leader in the online religious community, in April 2008 the Church of Scientology became the first major religion to launch its own YouTube Video Channel. TheOfficial Scientology YouTube Channel has now been viewed by millions of visitors.

8th Annual Human Rights Youth Summit — Creating Leaders through Human Rights Education

29 August 2011

Geneva—United Nations representatives, human rights NGOs and leaders of civil joined youth delegates from 30 countries at the 8th Annual International Human Rights Summit in Geneva August 26-28, 2011.

With the United Nations estimating $7 billion dollars is generated by human trafficking annually, with 700,000 to 4 million women and children sold into forced prostitution, labor and other forms of exploitation each year, human rights education has never been more urgent.
The theme of this year’s summit was, “to create leaders through human rights education,” and included an entire day devoted to training youth delegates in leadership, communication and audio-visual skills to help them maximize their efforts.

Some 250 attendees packed the Hotel President Wilson event hall to capacity August 26—the very room where Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) was launched 10 years ago.

The youth delegates set the tone of event with a procession featuring the 30 flags of the countries they represented.   Master of ceremonies Dr. Mary Shuttleworth, Founder and President of Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI), welcomed the youth and honored guests.
The Summit featured multi-media presentations covering the  human rights activities carried out by the youth delegates in their countries over the past 12 months.  
Speakers included a former U.N. Assistant Secretary General, several representatives of permanent missions to the U.N. and non-government organization (NGO) consultants to the United Nations, and youth delegates from
Belgium, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Central African Republic, Denmark, Vietnamese Community; Russia, Pakistan and Mexico.
A highlight of the event was the presentation of Human Rights Hero Awards to five humanitarians for their work to guarantee the rights of others and promote human rights education:
  • Mr. Antonio Lopez, Human Rights Undersecretary of Chiapas, Mexico accepted a Human Rights Hero Award on behalf of Juan Sabines Guerrero, Governor of the State of Chapias, for his work to incorporate the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the new state constitution giving it the force of law to the people for his constituents.
  • Mr. Martin Ponce Rubio, Territorial Director of Jalalpa, Mexico, for nearly two decades of championing youth and for establishing educational and art programs to inform young people of their rights and combat crime and drug trafficking.
  • Ms. Eleonora Frigerio, Vice President of the Association for Human Rights and Tolerance in Italy, for building schools in Ghana for thousands of young children who would otherwise not benefit from the right to education and for providing human rights education to the Tibetan Children in Exile in Dharamshala, India.
  • Ms. Joanne Tawfilis, Founding Executive Director of the Art Miles Mural Project, for promoting peace by involving children from countries throughout the world in painting murals.
  • Dustin McGahee, director of Youth for Human Rights for the Tampa, Florida, for involving YHRI chapters from around the world in the International Walk for Human Rights he established to commemorate Human Rights Day on December 10.

Speaking of the importance of the Annual Human Rights Summit, Mr. Rubio said, “We must build youth leadership to disseminate and defend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights towards a more viable society for present and future humanity.”

The 2011 Summit was co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Haiti; the Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology International; Village Suisse NGO/ECOSOC; the Ariel Foundation International; and the Youth for Human Rights Chapters of Geneva and Vaud, Switzerland.

This year’s 30 youth delegates were selected from the nearly 1,000 applicants who submitted human rights essays with evidence of their work to promote human rights education throughout the past year.

Youth delegates to the 8th annual Human Rights Youth
Summit in Geneva, Switzerland.
CONTACT: Tracie Morrow,
Public AffairsYouth for Human Rights International

Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour Bringing Positive Change to Mali

 August 3, 2011

It is said that when Sultan Mansa Musa made his pilgrimage from Mali to Mecca in the 14th century, he brought with him so much gold and treasure that for centuries the legend prevailed that the roofs of Timbuktu were covered with gold and its rivers ran over beds of precious metal—a far cry from the Mali of 2011, with 73 percent of its 14.5 million people living on less than a dollar a day.

The courses and seminars of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tour in Mali provide tools to help overcome economic and educational barriers and their oppressive consequences.

A Mali student recently completed all 19 Volunteer Ministers courses at the Tour’s bright yellow tent, and wrote:

“These courses are the life and the love that a person in public life or a civil servant cannot do without. …[They] have given me the tools not only to mobilize people, but to organize them to perform the actions that lead to success.  I am very thankful for having had the opportunity to learn basics which can be used to make dreams come true.”


SCIENTOLOGI – A series of Volunteer Ministers Seminars Help More Than 5,000 in Bushenyi, Uganda

August 11, 2011

Mr. Pedaiah Paul M. Teba, Director of the World Light Caring Mission of Uganda

Arriving for the seminar

Answering questions during the seminar

At the request of educators in the Bushenyi District of southwest Uganda, in May 2011 a team of Kampala-based Scientology Volunteer Ministers led by Mr. Pedaiah Paul M. Teba, Director of the World Light Caring Mission of Uganda, traveled the 200 miles from the nation’s capital to provide a series of seminars.

More than 5,000 teachers, parents, students and children attended the seminars that local officials hope will become an ongoing tradition.

It began with a seminar on communication and Study Technology in the village of Nyakabarizi, at the request of Nyakabarizi Community Group chairperson John Kisembo.  He was joined by the school headmistress and her deputy, Marion Ashaba and Fiona Natukunda, village leader Boaz Arinda, community group representative Laura Nabasiima and 1,500 students.

Headmistress Ashaba found the seminar very productive, saying, “Communication has been a problem to us, but from today we shall be able to listen properly, communicate better and will be willing to understand.”

Her sentiments were shared by teacher Muheki Deus: “I have been taught many things I have never considered before, especially in communication. What these Volunteer Ministers are doing is equipping people with lifetime skills to make the world a better place.”

In the village of Bitereko, the leaders of the Bitereko community group joined 950 students and staff of the Kigarama Secondary School in a seminar geared to improve student performance.

Matovu Alfred, head teacher of the school, described the seminar as “an eye opener.”

Director of studies Mr. Ahimbisibwe found the seminar “very helpful” and requested the Volunteer Ministers to return and provide additional training.

The reaction was similar the following day in Biharwe at the Mbarara Preparatory Primary School.  At the end of the seminar to 1,300 students and teachers, headmaster Francis Natulinda told the volunteers, “The door is open any time you want.”

The motto of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers is “Something can be done about it,” free seminars like these make this motto a reality.

Seminars are available to any school, nonprofit or community group, church or organization through the Scientology Volunteer Ministers website.  They provide effective technology developed by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard to deal with illiteracy, unresolved conflicts, drug abuse, broken marriages, criminality and numerous other topics for dealing successfully with the problems encountered in life.



2011-07-06 21:43

I september 2004 invigdes den nationella Scientologi-kyrkan i hjärtat av Madrid, med 6 000 människor som hade samlats för att fira den nya kyrkan. Spanien var en gång högsätet för religionsförtryck, men välkomnade nu Scientologin till nationen, med dignitärer från religion, rätt och mänskliga rättigheter, vilka alla förklarade att Scientologin är hoppet för deras land.

David Miscavige, Scientologi-religionens kyrklige ledare, invigde Spaniens nationella Scientologi-kyrka, och välkomnade de tusentals närvarande till deras nya kyrka.

Invigningen i Madrids författarkvarter innebar en ny era för religionsfrihet i Spanien, med dignitärer från lagstiftning, religion och mänskliga rättigheter som förklarade Scientologin vara sitt lands hopp.Det största ögonblicket kom när David Miscavige välkomnade de tusentals närvarande till deras nya kyrka – en kyrka som han hade planerat och förverkligat och som slutligen direkt skulle leda till fullständigt religiöst erkännande för Scientologi i Spanien:

L. Ron Hubbard kände varmt för Spanien och dess folk.

Men förutom allt detta finns det naturligtvis allt annat som denna dag innebär, inte för bara våra spanska medlemmar, utan för scientologer världen över.

För om Spanien var ett land där vår grundare tände en fackla för frihet, är det också ett land där ni har hållit den facklan brinnande.

Under den mörkaste perioden övervann ni oöverstigliga hinder mot överväldigande odds, och visade i handling innebörden i dessa ord av vår grundare:

’Det gamla måste ge plats för det nya, lögnen måste avslöjas av sanningen – och sanningen, trots att den bekämpas, segrar alltid till slut.’

Så till alla scientologer – scientologer från alla delar av världen – vi är djupt tacksamma för att vi idag kan fira vad ert engagemang, er integritet och er ståndaktighet beträffande era ideal nu kommer att innebära för alla medborgare i Spanien.”

Och med det klipptes bandet och tusentals strömmade in i den nya nationella Scientologi-kyrkan i Spanien.

Efter en kamp som varade i årtionden dömde den spanska nationella domstolen i ett viktigt beslut den 31 oktober 2007 till kyrkans favör, och beviljade den nationella Scientologi-kyrkan i Spanien fullt religiöst erkännande och bekräftade rätten till religionsfrihet. Dessutom beordrade domstolen att den nationella kyrkan skulle föras in i registret över religiösa organisationer.

Scientology: In Ron we trust


Sunday July 10 2011

Joanna Kiernan asked some of Ireland’s practising Scientologists a few simple questions about their religion,what it has done for them and their lives, and what they think about society’s negative attitudes towards Scientology.We promised to let them answer in their own words. Photography by Agata Stoinska

Anita Kelly, 37, Receptionist, from Wexford

How did you become a Scientologist?

My friend introduced me to Dianetics in 1992.

What has Scientology done for you?

It has helped me in many areas of my life, in work, personally and in relationships with others. My confidence has grown greatly and my marriage is better and stronger than ever even after 19 years.

Are you more prosperous/intelligent/ successful as a result of Scientology?

I would have to say yes.

Are those who say bad things about Scientology lying?

I do know people who have said things that are not true and in my opinion they do not really know what it is all about and have not found out for themselves and have listened to others who themselves do not know what Scientology is.

Why is there so much criticism of Scientology and, indeed, Scientologists?

In my opinion, they do not know exactly what Scientology is and does, and how it helps one in their life.

Is Scientology a cult?


What do you believe as a Scientologist? What are your beliefs around this world and the next?

I do believe I have been here before.

Do you have any children? Are they Scientologists?

Yes, I do! They will choose themselves if they want to become Scientologists when they are older. They’ve done some courses on study to help them in their schooling and one of my sons did a confidence course to help him communicate better and get a part-time job.

How young can you become a Scientologist?

You can become one at 18 years old.

How does Scientology differ from other religions?

It is practical in its teachings and one can use it in life to improve your life and those of others. You also go by what is real for you and you make your own opinions and choices.

Have you ever given money to Scientology?

That is a personal matter, really. Well, if I want to buy a loaf of bread or a car, I will buy them, and if I want to support my religion and take courses or Auditing [spiritual counselling] I will give a donation for them. In terms of how it helped me and others, it is worth far more than I have donated.

Why is Scientology so popular among those in Hollywood, such as John Travolta andTom Cruise?

It is also just as popular to non-famous people, and, in my opinion, they must have found something that has worked for them.

What is the one thing about Scientology you feel that people would be surprised to learn?

How simple it is to apply to one’s life and how it’s all to help you in your life and enable you to help others. Scientology has betterment groups to help in society such as programmes to help with drugs, crime and other social-betterment activities to actually help society improve.

Bernard Duffy, 90, retired, from Newcastle, England, living in Dublin

How did you become a Scientologist?

I attended a free lecture in 1956 at the American College of Personal Efficiency, 69 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, which was set up by L Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, when he himself lived here in Dublin. These lectures improved my self-confidence, which in turn increased my self-worth and my ability to handle life.

What has Scientology done for you?

It has helped improve my ability to find out things for myself. It has increased my self-confidence and made me more able to understand people and their problems.

It also increased my ability in my profession, which enabled me to start up my own company.

I am more able to handle life in general and am not affected by any obstacles that present themselves. I overcame my self-consciousness and shyness and thus I am able to converse with anyone.

Are you more prosperous/intelligent/ successful as a result of Scientology?

Yes, because of what I have mentioned previously, I have become more intelligent and successful in life generally.

Are those who say bad things about Scientology lying?

I have never heard anybody say anything bad about Scientology.

Why is there so much criticism of Scientology and, indeed, Scientologists?

I have never been criticised for being a Scientologist. In fact, friends have said, ‘You seem to be doing all right, so there mustn’t be anything wrong with Scientology.’

Is Scientology a cult?


What do you believe as a Scientologist? What are your beliefs around this world and the next?

The creed of Scientology states that all people are equal in rights regardless of race, colour or religion and that all men and women are basically good.

The aims of Scientology are a world without crime and without insanity where people are free to prosper in life. What I believe personally is that I am a spiritual being who is immortal and who returns to another body after this life.

Do you have any children?


Are they Scientologists?


How young can you become a Scientologist?

As young as a person wishes.

How does Scientology differ from other religions?

The true definition of a religion is a philosophy of life. Scientology is very much a practical philosophy of life.

Have you ever given money to Scientology?

Yes, I have paid money to cover the costs of courses I have done.

Why is Scientology so popular among those in Hollywood, such as John Travolta and Tom Cruise?

Scientology is popular with many people from all walks of life.

I would also imagine that many budding actors and actresses in Hollywood see that there are so many successful artists using Scientology that they look into it for themselves.

What is the one thing about Scientology you feel that people would be surprised to learn?

That Scientology has a number of groups working as volunteers in society.

Viktor Madarasz, 26, self-employed, originally from Hungary but living in Dublin

How did you become a Scientologist?

When I was younger, I used to take all sorts of street drugs. I wasn’t addicted; I just didn’t want to be left out of the fun. But on one occasion it was too much and I felt something changed. After this incident I just never felt as bright as I was before and I was tired all the time. I lost my motivation, even though I wasn’t even 20.

I was desperately looking for solutions and answers to what had happened to me and that’s how I found a book called Clear Body, Clear Mind. It explains what drugs do to the body and the mind and how to get rid of them. I read the book and it made sense to me so I did the programme called The Purification Rundown, which basically clears up your body from the toxins by using sauna and vitamins.

This was really helpful and I have gone on from there.

What has Scientology done for you?

I have had many successes by using Scientology.

On the counselling side, I got out of the past, where I was stuck because of the drugs. People who have ever taken drugs know exactly what I mean.

I used to work in a nine-to-five job, but since I am in Scientology I started my own business and I am using the technology in management, marketing and how to communicate with people.

Are you more prosperous/intelligent/ successful as a result of Scientology?

Yes, one of the most obvious things that I improved by Scientology was my communication. I personally think that communication is a vital factor to succeed.

Are those who say bad things about Scientology lying?

Only the ones who are generating the lies. But unfortunately, in today’s society we get our opinions from the television, radio, newspapers and from our neighbours. Whatever they tell us, we just accept it as true, instead of deciding it for ourselves.

Why is there so much criticism of Scientology and, indeed, Scientologists?

Just look at history, all the great ideas and movements got attacked.

Is Scientology a cult?

I think first everyone should look up the word cult in a dictionary, then do some research on Scientology, what it does, what are its principles, and so on, and then decide for themselves.

What do you believe as a Scientologist? What are your beliefs around this world and the next?

Belief is a really good thing. Faith gives you power and hope, but knowledge is far more valuable for me as it gives me certainty. I don’t know about the next world, all I know is that something needs to be changed in order to have a next world.

Do you have any children? Are they Scientologists? How young can you become a Scientologist?

No, I don’t have any children yet, but when I will have, they will decide for themselves if they want to be a Scientologist or not.

How does Scientology differ from other religions?

It is not based on opinions.

Have you ever given money to Scientology?

Yes. I don’t know the exact figures but I spent way more on drugs, smoking and alcohol. The best investment that you can ever do is self-improvement and learning how to help others.

Why is Scientology so popular among those in Hollywood, such as John Travolta and Tom Cruise?

I guess simply because it worked for them.

What is the one thing about Scientology you feel that people would be surprised to learn?

“The ultimate freedom depends on knowing the ultimate Truth. Truth is not what people say it is, it is what it is. And Truth, quite remarkably, sets one free, just like philosophers have said down the ages.” L Ron Hubbard

Zabrina Collins, 33, businesswoman, from Donegal

How did you become a Scientologist?

From the age of 11 I had been looking into religions and philosophies. There are many wonderful and interesting religions but somehow I always found something within them I disagreed with. When I was 22, I walked into a Scientology organisation in Sydney, Australia. I read some books and did some courses and I found something I could agree with and that worked for me!

What has Scientology done for you?

Primarily it has given me tools to help other people. I actually always wanted to be a psychiatrist, since I was very small. I went to Queen’s University, Belfast, to study psychology, with the idea of becoming a clinical psychologist. I have never been able to help someone with what I have learned on that subject. I have, however, helped hundreds of people with what I have learned, after only a few courses in Scientology counselling. I decided that I would become a volunteer in the Scientology organisation in Dublin because people really need help and I could do that.

Are you more prosperous/intelligent/ successful as a result of Scientology?

When I first came into Scientology I was working as an office worker in a large travel company — basically just a cog in a big company. I now have my own very successful company with offices in the city centre. This I attribute to what I have learned in business administration in Scientology and the competence I have gained working as a volunteer in Scientology. I now have a means of financially supporting my family with a lifestyle that far surpasses what I would have had as a general office worker.

Are those who say bad things about Scientology lying?

I think there are definitely people out there that do not want others to get better. Luckily most people are not like that and when they find out what Scientology, is they agree that it is a good thing.

Why is there so much criticism of Scientology and, indeed, Scientologists?

I believe I answered that above.

Is Scientology a cult?


What do you believe as a Scientologist? What are your beliefs around this world and the next?

I believe that everybody can get better and achieve whatever they want in life.

Do you have any children? Are they Scientologists? How young can you become a Scientologist?

My husband and I have a little eight-year-old girl. She has studied some of the children’s courses that are available in Scientology. They include: Learning How to Learn, How To Use a Dictionary, Grammar and Communication, and the Children’s Communication Course. As you can see, they are all aimed at her school education. I would like my little girl to get the best out of her education and these courses have done that. When she is older, she can decide if she would like to do more in Scientology or not, but that is her decision to make, not mine.

How does Scientology differ from other religions?

The main focus of most religions is spiritual freedom. I believe that you cannot be free if you have to follow a lot of rules, or are forced to believe something that you don’t agree with.

What I like with Scientology is that you can evaluate any data you read and decide if it is true for you or not — and that is absolutely your decision to make. Because of this, Scientology can be used by anybody of any background.

Have you ever given money to Scientology?

Scientology does quite a lot of fund-raising for international disasters like 9/11, the Australian bushfires, the tsunami disaster relief programme and recently the disaster in Japan, which we held a fund-raiser for last week. I make donations to these causes as and when I can.

Why is Scientology so popular among those in Hollywood, such as John Travolta and Tom Cruise?

Scientology is actually very popular with millions around the world. Because some famous people use Scientology to help them, — and, obviously, it does help as they are excelling in their careers — doesn’t mean we all have to be famous.

What is the one thing about Scientology you feel that people would be surprised to learn?

It actually works. It is very practical and does exactly what it says on the tin! Because it addresses life and the problems that life poses, one would think it would take a long time to learn and be very complicated. But Scientology is the simplest study you will ever do.

Siobhan Ryan, 48, Chiropractor Assistant, from Dublin

How did you become a Scientologist?

A friend of mine introduced me.

What has Scientology done for you?

It has given me a method to use in order to understand and improve my life and my beliefs.

Are you more prosperous/intelligent/ successful as a result of Scientology?

As a result, I am all of the above, in comparison to how I was before I started using Scientology, I was a recluse and not succeeding in my life.

Are those who say bad things about Scientology lying?

The main source of information, ie the media and the internet, are outlets for certain people who alter the truth and quote things out of context. There are various connotations made that are deliberately designed to make Scientology look bad.

Why is there so much criticism of Scientology and, indeed, Scientologists?

It is actually a relative few who are critical but this can seem many more than it is when their lies are repeated in the media and on the internet. Any new religion in history has been criticised by the vested interests of their day.

Is Scientology a cult?

No, Scientology is not a closed, secret group for a select few, it is for everybody, from any walk of life, any creed, any race and our doors are open always to everyone.

What do you believe as a Scientologist? What are your beliefs around this world and the next?

I believe and know that man/woman are basically good. And that they can solve their problems when they find the source of them. I know that I have had many lives and I know I will have many more.

Do you have any children? Are they Scientologists? How young can you become a Scientologist?

I have two children, 19 and 13 years. My youngest is not a Scientologist, he has only done a course on how to study and has not studied the philosophy of Scientology. His main passions at this point in his life are football and sports. My daughter has always been a philosopher and was very hungry as a child to understand things in life so she has done a lot of courses and is following that pursuit of knowledge with Scientology.

How does Scientology differ from other religions?

One of the fundamental differences with Western religions, but not with Eastern religions, is regarding the existence of past lives. Also, while Scientology very much recognises that there was a creator to this universe, there is no dogma on who or what God is, and that is left up to the individual’s own understanding.

It is also worth noting that Scientology is non-conversionary, hence there are people of all religions who also study and practice Scientology.

Have you ever given money to Scientology?

From time to time I do different courses, not necessarily on a regular basis. For these I give donations of anything from €50 up to a few hundred euro.

Why is Scientology so popular among those in Hollywood, such as John Travolta and Tom Cruise?

Scientology enhances an artist’s talents. They are, after all, the same as you and me and not exempt from the problems of life.

What is the one thing about Scientology you feel that people would be surprised to learn?

That it is very practical and that I have more fun and pleasure in my life now than I had when I was 20 years old.

Asia Kawczyk, 27, businesswoman, from Poland

How did you become a Scientologist?

I was always searching for answers about people and life in general. I have read a lot of books in my life, especially Buddhist ones, and I have looked into a lot of religions. When I came across Scientology and its materials it completed my search. I found Scientology to be a complete knowledge, with all the answers about life I was looking for.

I didn’t know anything about Scientology when I started, I just got interested in the Ups and Downs course based on the works of LRH [Lafayette Ronald Hubbard]. This course acknowledged the information I always had somewhere in the back of my mind, but which I never really validated. After this course, my life changed 180 degrees. I met my husband, got an amazing job as an artist, and ever since it just keeps getting better.

What has Scientology done for you?

Wow, that’s a big question! It has made my life so much better across the board! I was a successful and a bright individual before it, but with the knowledge I got about life, livingness and people, I became bigger as a person, more able to handle things in my life and, especially, more able to effectively help others who were in need. I became more confident, less worried, financially stable. I could keep going for pages!

Are you more prosperous/intelligent/ successful as a result of Scientology?


Are those who say bad things about Scientology lying?

In my experience, those who say bad things about Scientology have a vested interest in saying those things, or are very uneducated about the subject. I have met very few people in my life who were saying bad things about Scientology, but if I came across one, I always found him to be in the above two categories: either there was vested interest, or ignorance of the subject.

Why is there so much criticism of Scientology and, indeed, Scientologists?

They are usually ignorant, not informed or biased. They don’t look into the matter for themselves before making a statement. Or have a vested interest in making negative statements.

Is Scientology a cult?

This is absolutely not what Scientology is. If you ever walk into our churches you will find out for yourself.

What do you believe as a Scientologist? What are your beliefs around this world and the next?

There are a lot of things that I believe in as an individual, regardless of Scientology, but what I have learned with Scientology is that the common denominator of life is survive.

Each individual is seeking to survive in eight areas of life, which we call the dynamics, the urges of a person to survive, and they are: the individual himself, his family unit, his groups, mankind, the living things of the planet, the physical universe, spirituality and the Supreme Being.

Do you have any children? Are they Scientologists? How young can you become a Scientologist?

I do not have any children yet. You can become a Scientologist at any stage in your life — whenever you decide to become one.

How does Scientology differ from other religions?

One aspect that I love about Scientology is that it does not make you believe anything, or push you to believe anything. The basic motto of LRH is: it is true, if it’s true for you. It allows you to study and digest each piece of data you learn, observe it in life and decide for yourself if it is true or not.

It is also a practical religion — a main practice of a Scientologist would be learning practical knowledge about life, through reading books and studying courses, it’s like a college of life! It’s mostly learning and applying what you have learned in your life, to help yourself and others, and enjoying the results.

Have you ever given money to Scientology?

You do not have to give any money to Scientology unless you want to. As a Scientologist you donate for the courses you study and the spiritual counselling you do, which we consider is a fair way to do it — you donate for the services you receive.

Why is Scientology so popular among those in Hollywood, such as John Travolta and Tom Cruise?

Often people who are now well-known celebrities were doing Scientology for years and nobody knew about it, but now that they are famous you hear about it. They often attribute a lot of their success to the tools for living they learned in Scientology. Being an artist is wonderful, but it’s also full of challenges and the environment is a very tough one to cope with. Scientology has specific courses for artists, which give them the very necessary tools they need to deal with this specific and tough environment.

What is the one thing about Scientology you feel that people would be surprised to learn?

That we are not a cult, you are free to join and leave at any point you want to, that we do help people get better, that you can reach higher levels in your life by using Scientology!

Alan Ryan, 50, Artist, from Dublin

How did you become a Scientologist?

I read the Dianetics book and became very interested and from that found out about Scientology.

What has Scientology done for you?

It has revitalised me as an artist, improved my relationships with others, I could go on and on.

Are you more prosperous/intelligent/ successful as a result of Scientology?

Yes, my personal income now, compared to what it was before, has seen a huge improvement. I also think that I am far better at just getting the job done, et cetera. I know from a test that my IQ has gone up by about 30 points, I think faster now and it’s easier to come up with solutions to everyday problems.

Are those who say bad things about Scientology lying?

In my experience, yes, and I have been involved for about 25 years!

Why is there so much criticism of Scientology and, indeed, Scientologists?

I suppose anything that is relatively new and controversial in its ideas, et cetera, is going to invite criticism or opposition. But also I think most of it is because of misquotes, quotes out of context, media coverage that is often negatively biased and unbalanced and rarely seems to honestly try to truthfully understand Scientology.

Is Scientology a cult?

Not in my opinion. A cult implies secrecy, closed off to society, etc. Scientology is very open to anyone on the street and is on the main streets of cities all over the world.

What do you believe as a Scientologist? What are your beliefs around this world and the next?

I feel that all religions share a belief that we don’t just die and that’s the end of it and you are gone forever more. I think that there is a common belief that the spirit lives on after the body dies. In Scientology the view is that when the spirit leaves his body after it dies, the spirit starts a new life in a new body.

Do you have any children? Are they Scientologists? How young can you become a Scientologist?

Yes, two. My daughter, 19, has started doing some basic Scientology courses, by her own choice. My son, 13, isn’t a Scientologist per se. You have to be 18; if you are younger, you need your parents’ permission.

How does Scientology differ from other religions?

It teaches that you are the spirit/soul, that the person is the spirit/soul. Whereas some other religions teach that you have a spirit/soul like a possession or that it’s like a part of you. Also it has specific techniques and practical methods that dramatically improve your awareness of yourself as a spirit.

Have you ever given money to Scientology?

If/when I want to do a course, I make whatever the donation rate is for that course, it could be €50 or a couple of thousand. It depends on how basic or advanced the course is.

Why is Scientology so popular among those in Hollywood, such as John Travolta and Tom Cruise?

Ultimately you’d have to ask them, but in my opinion I reckon it’s because it seriously enhances their artistic abilities. It’s probably one of the major things that Scientology does for anybody. In my experience, most people get a lot more interested in the arts as they progress in Scientology.

What is the one thing about Scientology you feel that people would be surprised to learn?

That it has a huge array of social/community betterment groups ranging from prisoner reform to human rights to abolishing illiteracy to drug addiction reform to natural disaster volunteer help.

Originally published in