Category Archives: Human Rights

ARTISTER FÖR MÄNSKLIGA RÄTTIGHETER I MALMÖ uppmanar att de mänskliga rättigheterna genomförs överallt, även i Sverige.

På onsdag kväll den 14 december, uppträdde ett flertal artister under parollen “Artister för mänskliga rättigheter” för att fira FN dagen för mänskliga rättigheter. Deras budskap var att människor bör känna till sina rättigheter och försvara sig genom att använda dem i det dagliga livet.

Som en av konstnärerna uttryckte det: “Mänskliga rättigheter är inte bara något som har att göra med fjärran områden där det finns konflikter och det vi läser om i tidningarna. Nej, de har allt att göra med våra liv just här i Sverige och i hela Norden. Vi måste försvara dem här och insistera på att våra rättigheter respekteras. ”

En mängd olika konstnärer deltog i programmet, för att backa upp detta syfte. Bland dessa konstnärer var Szolnoki Classic Duo, hip-hop kompositören Dejossy och Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby som sjöng två låtar av sin Cornelis Vreeswijk repertoar.

– Vi visade en video som heter “Historien om mänskliga rättigheter” som ger en historisk inblick av utvecklingen av mänskliga rättigheterna på jorden och som börjar med Cyrus Cylinder. Även för de professionellt engagerade i mänskliga rättigheter, som fanns med i publiken, gav denna video dem en ny och fräsch syn i ämnet, säger Ad Vulto, från Scientologi-kyrkans  mänskliga rättighetsavdelning och medarrangör av detta evenemang.

– Denna video är en del av Förenade för mänskliga rättigheter pedagogiska kampanj och är en del av att bidra till att FN:s deklaration om de mänskliga rättigheterna blir även mer känd överallt, avslutar Vulto.

För mer information:

0738- 76 86 35


 On the 63rd anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Church of Scientology urges mandatory human rights education as the key to its full implementation of the Declaration.


The Church of Scientology has co-sponsored eight annual Human Rights Summits. Youth delegates from around the world exchange ideas and meet with United Nations diplomats and human rights leaders to increase the effectiveness of their campaigns. The 2008 Summit was held at the United Nations in New York.

To make the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights known to all, the Church of Scientology has undertaken a massive human rights education initiative, reaching more than 180 million people in 2011 with the information on human rights in 17 languages.

The United Nations estimates that 2.45 million people are trafficked each year, nearly a billion live in hunger, and almost half the world’s population subsists on less than $2.50 a day, making it clear any momentum generated this year must continue and that education and insistence on human rights has never been more vital.

In a global demonstration of support for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its 30 rights, Scientology Churches and Missions marked Human Rights Day with seminars, rallies, concerts, round tables, forums and festivals, and helped organize more than 80 human rights walks in 26 countries to raise awareness of the Declaration and the need for its full implementation.

In 1969, L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “The United Nations came up with the answer. An absence of human rights stained the hands of governments and threatened their rules. Very few governments have implemented any part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These governments have not grasped that their very survival depends utterly upon adopting such reforms and thus giving their peoples a cause, a civilization worth supporting, worth their patriotism.”

For more than four decades, the Church has worked to make the Universal Declaration of Human Rights broadly known. The Declaration appeared in the first edition of FreedomMagazine, the Church’s human rights journal, in 1968. In 1998, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Declaration, the Church carried out the first of five annual cross-European marathons, reaching an estimated 33 million with its message in support of human rights.

Ten years ago, the Church began publishing materials that present the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in terms anyone can understand. These booklets, award-winning public service announcements and human rights documentary videos are available free of charge to any individual or group.

“There are many examples in history of what individuals can accomplish by demanding their rights and insisting on the rights of others,” says Rev. Robert Adams, Vice President of the Church of Scientology International. “But a knowledge of these rights comes first. The United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, yet in many ways, despite advances, the violations of its articles are as abhorrent today as they were six decades ago. We work with many dedicated groups, organizations, agencies and government bodies to make human rights a reality. To achieve this goal, education in human rights must be mandatory, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights must be given the force of law.”

Since Human Rights Day 2010, through direct action and sponsorship of activities and materials, the Church of Scientology has reached hundreds of millions of people with humans rights information, distributing more than 2 million publications and providing educational materials to more than 45,000 human rights organizations and 4,500 educators and educational institutions.


The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in the United States in 1954 and has grown to more than 9,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups and millions of members in 165 countries.


Traditionally the Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology Malmö celebrates the International UN Human Rights Day with an event for all.

This year’s theme will be:


The program:

– Live music and dance performances by various artists and groups:

– HANS-ERIK DYVIK HUSBY (ex-Turbonegro; movie “Cornelis”),      PresidentOslo Peace Program

– THEE DEEJOSSY, Rap-R&B (Swe-Nigeria)


– ALEXA BOSSOVA, Pop (Russia)

– Video “The Story of Human Rights”
– Human rights educational materials, free of charge available


After the main program there will be served refreshments / coffee / tea/snacks.

Opportunity to network with others in great atmosphere.

By bus:

Take bus 130-132-172
Get off at Alleegatan

The building is on the other side of the street!

Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby och Oslo Peace Program stödjer FN:s internationella dag för mänskliga rättigheter

14 December 2011 planeras det ett evenemang för att fira de mänskliga rättigheterna, som en del av FN:s internationella dag för mänskliga rättigheter. Flera artister kommer att bidra till evenemanget, bland annat Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby. Som ordförande till Oslo peace Program (OPP) har Hans-Erik ett personligt intresse för att göra mänskliga rättigheter till ett faktum och sprida fredsbudskapet och kunskapen om de mänskliga rättigheterna varhelst han kan.

Dyvik Husby är en frispråkig försvarare av mänskliga rättigheter, särskilt när det gäller psykisk hälsa.

Det är anledningen till att han deltar i evenemanget som kommer att ha ytterligare fem andra uppträdande artister på programmet.

Syftet med detta evenemang är att haka på den globala rörelsen för mänskliga rättigheter för att skapa fred och tolerans mellan olika befolkningar, grupper och individer på denna planet.

Programmet arrangeras av mänskliga rättighetsavdelning av Scientologi-kyrkan i Malmö, i samarbete med FN för mänskliga rättigheter.

Hans-Erik “CORNELIS” Dyvik Husby förenar “Artister för mänskliga rättigheter” för att fira FN:s internationella dag för mänskliga rättigheter

Hans-Erik “CORNELIS” Dyvik Husby förenar “Artister för mänskliga rättigheter” för att fira FN:s internationella dag för mänskliga rättigheter
Den berömda tidigare sångaren i “Turbonegro”, Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby, som också spelade i filmen “Cornelis” (2010) och som efteråt turnerade genom Skandinavien för att tolka den store vissångaren Cornelis Vreeswijk, är en av de artister som uppträder den 14 december klockan 18:30 under “Artister för mänskliga rättigheter” i samband med Förenta Nationernas internationella dag för mänskliga rättigheter i Arlöv.

Han har sällskap av Rap och R & B-sångaren och kompositören Dejossy. Dejossy kom ut nyligen med nytt material på Spotify samt en ny singel i Nigeria som kallas “Olosho”. Han arbetar för närvarande med ett nytt album, som planeras att komma ut under 2012.
Ytterligare fyra kändisar kommer att uppträda, alla med syftet att stödja mänskliga rättigheter och tolerans bland människor, oavsett hudfärg, religion eller etnisk bakgrund.
Detta evenemang kommer att äga rum i hörsalen av Scientologi-kyrkan i Malmö som ligger i Arlöv. Som värd står kyrkans avdelning för mänskliga rättigheter i samarbete med “United for Human Rights” som är en del av ett globalt initiativ för att skapa tolerans och fred.
Evenemanget är öppet för alla och tillträdet är gratis.

Material att utbilda skolelever, studenter och organisationer, som baserar sig på FN:s deklaration om de mänskliga rättigheterna, är tillgängliga.

Kaffe och förfriskningar kommer att serveras efter händelsen.

För mer information:

Ad Vulto
0738 till 76 86 35


21 September was International Day of Peace.

The Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology Malmö in Arlöv took this opportunity to bring musicians together on the stage that same day in support of what this Day stands for.

The program was started with a showing of the award-winning video ”United”, followed by songs that were performed by artists from Russia, Sweden and Nigeria. Part of the program was also the video “The Story of Human Rights” which can also be seen on

Reactions from the audience indicated to have this type of event repeated in the next years.

Originally set as an official UN day to help mankind to focus on peace, various organizations and individuals all over the world have now take this opportunity to create events to bring the importance of peace in our lives under the attention of people.

The Human Rights department of the Church of Scientology Malmö works on making human rights a fact, or as philosopher and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard said:

“Human rights are to be made a fact, not an idealistic dream”.

For more information:

Ad Vulto

Human Rights Department

Church of Scientology Malmö

0738 – 76 86 35



Celebrate the International Day of Peace with Artists for Peace.

Live performances by artists from Europe, Africa and Asia.

Showing of the award-winning videos “United” and “The Story of Human Rights”.

Human Rights educational material available upon request.

Click on the picture to get a big version of the invitation.

8th Annual Human Rights Youth Summit — Creating Leaders through Human Rights Education

29 August 2011

Geneva—United Nations representatives, human rights NGOs and leaders of civil joined youth delegates from 30 countries at the 8th Annual International Human Rights Summit in Geneva August 26-28, 2011.

With the United Nations estimating $7 billion dollars is generated by human trafficking annually, with 700,000 to 4 million women and children sold into forced prostitution, labor and other forms of exploitation each year, human rights education has never been more urgent.
The theme of this year’s summit was, “to create leaders through human rights education,” and included an entire day devoted to training youth delegates in leadership, communication and audio-visual skills to help them maximize their efforts.

Some 250 attendees packed the Hotel President Wilson event hall to capacity August 26—the very room where Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) was launched 10 years ago.

The youth delegates set the tone of event with a procession featuring the 30 flags of the countries they represented.   Master of ceremonies Dr. Mary Shuttleworth, Founder and President of Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI), welcomed the youth and honored guests.
The Summit featured multi-media presentations covering the  human rights activities carried out by the youth delegates in their countries over the past 12 months.  
Speakers included a former U.N. Assistant Secretary General, several representatives of permanent missions to the U.N. and non-government organization (NGO) consultants to the United Nations, and youth delegates from
Belgium, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Central African Republic, Denmark, Vietnamese Community; Russia, Pakistan and Mexico.
A highlight of the event was the presentation of Human Rights Hero Awards to five humanitarians for their work to guarantee the rights of others and promote human rights education:
  • Mr. Antonio Lopez, Human Rights Undersecretary of Chiapas, Mexico accepted a Human Rights Hero Award on behalf of Juan Sabines Guerrero, Governor of the State of Chapias, for his work to incorporate the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the new state constitution giving it the force of law to the people for his constituents.
  • Mr. Martin Ponce Rubio, Territorial Director of Jalalpa, Mexico, for nearly two decades of championing youth and for establishing educational and art programs to inform young people of their rights and combat crime and drug trafficking.
  • Ms. Eleonora Frigerio, Vice President of the Association for Human Rights and Tolerance in Italy, for building schools in Ghana for thousands of young children who would otherwise not benefit from the right to education and for providing human rights education to the Tibetan Children in Exile in Dharamshala, India.
  • Ms. Joanne Tawfilis, Founding Executive Director of the Art Miles Mural Project, for promoting peace by involving children from countries throughout the world in painting murals.
  • Dustin McGahee, director of Youth for Human Rights for the Tampa, Florida, for involving YHRI chapters from around the world in the International Walk for Human Rights he established to commemorate Human Rights Day on December 10.

Speaking of the importance of the Annual Human Rights Summit, Mr. Rubio said, “We must build youth leadership to disseminate and defend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights towards a more viable society for present and future humanity.”

The 2011 Summit was co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Haiti; the Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology International; Village Suisse NGO/ECOSOC; the Ariel Foundation International; and the Youth for Human Rights Chapters of Geneva and Vaud, Switzerland.

This year’s 30 youth delegates were selected from the nearly 1,000 applicants who submitted human rights essays with evidence of their work to promote human rights education throughout the past year.

Youth delegates to the 8th annual Human Rights Youth
Summit in Geneva, Switzerland.
CONTACT: Tracie Morrow,
Public AffairsYouth for Human Rights International


KMR wrote on 22 August 2011:


Nu varnar till och med USA:s myndigheter för den enorma kostnad ADHD-diagnostiseringen för med sig. Det handlar om multimiljardbelopp. 10 procent av alla barn påstås ha ADHD – och siffran stiger. Smittan sprider sig även till övriga länder. Sverige i synnerhet. Till skillnad från övriga epidemier tycks den välkomnas av läkarna. De jobbar hårt för att fler skall få ADHD.

Idag får över fem miljoner barn från 5 till 17 år amfetamin i USA för sin påstådda ADHD. 12,3 procent av alla pojkar har diagnosen. Flickorna bara 5,5 procent. Nu jobbar man intensivt för att fler flickor skall få en diagnos. Det skall råda jämlikhet.

Även i Sverige jobbar man hårt, idag har 52 000 vuxna och barn fått diagnosen och får amfetamin.

Det råder inte direkt jämlikhet över olika gränser. Tittar man geografiskt i USA så har epidemin drabbat södra och östra USA hårdare än andra delar (1). Ekonomiskt så är det fattiga i USA som drabbas mest och rasmässigt så är det främst svarta fattiga, medan mexikanske barn drabbas minst. Å andra sidan finns det litet segment, geografiskt och ekonomiskt, i nordöstra USA där överklassbarnen drabbas hårdast av den selektivt drabbande epidemin.

I Sverige har Gotländska psykiatriker jobbast hårdast och över 6 procent av barnen har ADHD, men andra län jobbar hårt för att knappa in på försprånget. De stackars barnen måste ha sitt amfetamin!

Det är Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) som tagit fram uppgifter om ADHD-epidemin i USA (2). Man tittade inte efter orsaker till ADHD-epidemin, vilket sker för alla andra epidemier. Det uppför sig dock som ett mystiskt virus. Men eftersom detta är en psykiatriskt framkallad epidemi så finns det förmodligen ursprungligen inga andra orsaker än psykiatrin.

Å andra sidan finns det forskning som visar att spridningen till stor del kommer från lärare. Lärarna, kanske för att förklara sina misslyckanden, kräver att eleverna skall få en utredning – och amfetamin. Många skolor har dessutom vägrat att ta emot eleverna om föräldrarna vägrar att droga ner barnen – vilket alltså är fullständigt olagligt (34).

Ursprungligen startade smittspridningen i början på 1990-talet med att skolorna fick statliga bidrag för varje ADHD-barn och tjänade ganska bra på massdiagnostisering. Antalet barn med ADHD gick upp till nästan en miljon på bara ett år efter detta. Bidragande orsak till smittspridningen var anhörigföreningen CHADD, motsvarande vår Attention. Denna ”gräsrotsrörelse” vattnades flitigt av läkemedelsbolagen med mångmiljonbelopp och växte snabbt. De satte igång en enorm lobbyverksamhet för pengarna, precis som Attention när de fick miljonbelopp från läkemedelsbolag i Sverige. Idag sitter Attention inne i Socialdepartementet och ADHD-diagnoserna, och naturligtvis icke att förglömma medicineringen, sprider sig blixtsnabbt även här i Sverige. Tänk vad lite pengar kan göra.

En annan undersökning visade att en miljon ungar av de fem miljonerna i USA egentligen var för unga! Ja, alltså de var yngst i klassen och särskilde sig så mycket att de fick en ADHD-stämpel (5) som tack för besvären.

En ny undersökning som presenterades i the Lancet i våras visade att 64 procent av dem som fått en ADHD-diagnos egentligen reagerade mot tillsatser i mat. Men ingen bryr sig, det är för mäktiga ekonomiska intressen involverade i medicineringen. Det finns inga pengar i att stoppa tillsatserna i mat.

Bara i Sverige kostar utredning och medicinering av 52 000 ADHD-fall uppskattningsvis 1,5 miljarder kronor. Men det är verkligen ingenting mot USA. Där är kostnaden, enligt CDC, hela 42,5 miljarder dollar – 275 miljarder kronor (2) och hotar nu nationalbudgeten.


Kommittén för Mänskliga Rättigheter grundades 1969 i USA och 1972 i Sverige av Scientologi-kyrkan för att undersöka och avslöja psykiatriska brott mot de mänskliga rättigheterna och för att rensa upp inom den psykiatriska vården.
För mer information gå till KMR:s hemsida:

Hungarian Parliament Resurrects Soviet Past with Midnight Adoption of Europe’s Most Restrictive Religion Law

ALEXANDRIA, Va., July 12, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ — While Communism officially ended in Hungary over 20 years ago, it appears the dictatorial mindset has not yet fully abated.

Last night after midnight, the Hungarian parliament procured for the country the title of Worst Religion Law in Europe when it adopted its new “Law on the Right to Freedom of Conscience and Religion, and on Churches, Religions and Religious Communities.”

“I am both saddened and disappointed by the adoption of such a draconian law,” commented THE INSTITUTE’s Founder and Chairman, Joseph K. Grieboski. “I have known and worked closely with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, most recently on the new constitution, and expected much more from him. The law is a danger to all Hungarian society and a terrible indication of the state of democracy in the country.”

As the Pastor of an evangelical Church noted on passage of the bill: “This is the greatest discrimination against evangelical Christians since the fall of Communism. This is just the first step against real, active, Bible-believing Christian groups. During Communism we were oppressed and persecuted, but we didn’t expect the same from a so-called ‘Christian’ government.”

Over one hundred currently registered religious organizations will be retroactively stripped of their status as religious communities and “de-registered” as religious organizations, losing key rights and privileges provided to registered Churches. Only fourteen religious organizations will retain their registration status, while all others in the country will be forced to reregister.

Religious organizations that have been “de-registered” may not use the name “Church” and will also lose their status as a religious organization if they are not “re-registered” through burdensome proceedings. In addition, “re-registration” can only occur if a minority religious community meets onerous duration levels designed to suppress minority religious freedom in complete contravention of European Human Rights Court’s and OSCE’s standards.

The amendments added to the legislation further restrict the rights of religious communities in Hungary by imposing illegal national security restrictions.  Such amendments violate fundamental international human rights law and international human rights instruments that Hungary has signed and ratified. Under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), national security does not form a proper basis to impose restrictions on religious freedom. National Security is consistently excluded from the list of permissible grounds for restricting freedom of religion in all major international interests.

According to the most surprising amendment, the competent authority to recognize a religious organization is now the parliament, with a two-third vote, rather than the courts or a ministry. A religious organization seeking recognition must now request the registration from the Minister who will initiate the request to the parliament. After the two-thirds vote by parliament, the religious organization is added to the list of recognized religions and an order is sent to the Court to register the organization within 30 days.

In January 2011, twenty-four members of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States (Monitoring Committee) signed a Motion for a Resolution entitled “Serious Setbacks in the Fields of the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Hungary.” The Resolution expressed the Parliamentary Assembly members “serious concern with respect to recent developments related to the rule of law, human rights and the functioning of democratic institutions in Hungary.”  Last week, two Co-Rapporteurs from the Council of Europe traveled to Hungary to investigate these serious setbacks in human rights in Hungary and to report to the Monitoring Committee as to whether a formal human rights monitoring procedure should be initiated.

The passage of this draconian Religion Law is the latest and most disturbing example of this serious setback of human rights and the rule of law in Hungary. The legislation contravenes OSCE, European Union, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights and United Nations standards because it clearly discriminates against minority religious groups.

Today, THE INSTITUTE once again urges the Monitoring Committee to take action to initiate a human rights monitoring procedure to ensure compliance by Hungary with the Human Rights Convention and other Council international instruments that it has signed and ratified.

“In the midst of celebrating the break from its Soviet past by crafting a new constitution, erecting a statute of Ronald Reagan, and opening the Tom Lantos Human Rights Institute, the Government of Hungary has thrust the nation back into a system of repressive and restrictive legislation with this new law,” Mr. Grieboski commented. “My only hope is that similar to the case of the media law in January, the Government will realize the terrible mistake it has made and return the law to Parliament for revision, and ideally put it in line with international and European human rights standards.”

Latest Analyses of Hungary Religion Law:

Click here to read THE INSTITUTE’s Executive Summary on the draft religion law in Hungary.

Click here to read THE INSTITUTE’s Expert Analysis on the draft religion law in Hungary.

Contact: Sarah Channing Grieboski, Director of Communications,THE INSTITUTE on Religion and Public Policy, 703-888 1700,